
Nissan recycles its electric vehicles batteries Close Now

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Nissan Plan recycles its electric vehicles batteries.

Have you ever wondered what is the end use of car batteries after it is no longer helpful for vehicles? Usually, car batteries become electronic waste, and it is a big
challenge for billionaire automotive industries to electrify them. But thanks to transportation technology, now-used car batteries can be turned into a valuable product.

The Nissan company announced to work collaboratively with a startup ‘Relyion Energy’ to reuse its Leaf electric vehicle batteries. This collaboration will resolve
that growing problem and address the impact of electric vehicles on the power station.

All used batteries have useful such as nickel, lithium, and cobalt. Even a used battery of an EV for several years still has 80% life left.

The Nissan company’s work goals are 4Rs: recycle, reuse, resell, and refabricate. Nissan will collect used-leaf EV batteries and supply them to Relyion, who will
examine the health and charge status of the battery and convert them into a secondphase helpful product.

By the mid of 2023, the companies will start commercializing the recycled batteries to multiple organizations and industries. Also, Relyion is working on the installation
of these batteries as an energy storage system for various applications. This business will lower the electricity demand and the energy expenses of industries.

