Why Streaming Prices Will Only Keep Rising This Year

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Why Streaming Prices Will Only Keep Rising This Year ?


From last few years the streaming is used by many companies to compete within the business market. In upcoming years, media and tech giants decide to focus less on launching of new platforms like Apple TV Plus, HBO Max, Disney Plus and ensures that existing platforms survive like Netflix and Hulu. As launching of new platforms developed pressure on existing ones.

CNET senior media reporter, Joan Solsman said “companies are trying to find their weak points for lacking in streaming market to survive. Streaming businesses have to find a two-way road for increasing its profit and keeping in mind that customers avoid paying high rates for subscription. Netflix was a streaming giant started in 2007 and from 2022 it faced a huge dropout of subscribers due to charging more. This situation alarmed all existing services to compete.

Solsman said “for a profitable business, all companies should start charging more” but at the end of 2022, Netflix and Disney Plus announced more affordable packages for users to stick around. The development sign of streaming market is partnership between HBO Max and Discovery Plus, Paramount Plus and Showtime. Because one can have more material on a single platform but it comes at a high cost. Solsman predicts future that the only way for a business survival is to be massive by partnerships.

