
Instagram Adds New Collaborative Collections Close Now

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Instagram Adds New ‘Collaborative Collections’ Feature

The popular platform among content creators and youth is meta-owned Instagram.

The app has an old “save to my collection” feature to view later. But this time, you can share those saved items with your choice of friends.

Instagram has introduced a new function, “Collaborative Collections,” which enables users to share and save photographs to a private collection that they share with friends. It is a kind of bookmarking extension.

The CEO of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, said this feature is one of my favorites among all other Instagram features. We only introduced it so that you can create collections with friends.

Some more detail about this function is allowing a group of friends or family members to share and save posts in one such group for accessing them later. It will help users to save and organize the posts for quicker access.

While saving any content, you will see a new option of “create collaborative collection” click on it to give the collection a unique name and select your desired friends. Once the collection group is created, any group member can also share content.

Another new function, “Latest Shares,” will be displayed at the top of the DM section. When a user shares a reel multiple times with a friend, it will show up only once with the avatar of that friend.
