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Principles of Technology effects on fertility in 2023

Technology is a fantastic superpower in the current era. Like all other sectors, Technology is doing great for human health. Similarly, when it comes to the medical industry, Technology has developed itself way more than ever, especially when it comes to humans body treatment diseases like cancer, respiration issues, heart walls, transplantation, surgeries, or any other kind of disease Technology has developed reliable resources and equipment to deal with them and continues to save humans lives in best possible way.

Furthermore, fertility is one of the most significant issues highlighted in recent years. Fertilization and reproduction are necessary for humans to grow and keep growing. Some of the latest advancements in terms of fertility Technology include frozen embryo transfer IVF GIFT, Clomiphene citrate, IUI, DI, Diathermy and more. 

5 Principles of Fertility technologies

According to the current fertility issues, technologies are categorized under five central ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) for human reproduction. 

  1. Artificial insemination
  2. Ovulation timing
  3. In vitro fertilization
  4. Egg, Sperm and embryo freezing
  5. IVF in uterine transplants

All these artificial technologies rely on real sperms. These technologies not only assist with reproduction but also work with birth control. Many medicines and drugs are also processed to deal with such complications. They keep in mind that infertility is not the only issue in human reproduction. There are many other critical, complex fertility cases to deal with, and Technology has also figured it out through experiments and processes. 

Effects of ART

The following are a few significant effects of associated reproductive technologies on surroundings and human lives.

Blessing Babies 

ART is one of the most successful technologies in the medical sector. Through its evolutionary process, couples unable to conceive naturally are making babies through ART. There are various ART methods to go with it. It is safest regarding perinatal and later childbirth under technological observations.

Rapid Growth

Lately, research has shown that ART technology is increasing population and risk simultaneously. ART costs more intensive care than non-ART birth. At the same time, this growth might affect overpopulation and resources. 


ART is no doubt a fantastic technology but hazardous at the same time. Studies show that ART-born kids may have low birth weight, neonatal admission, and perinatal mortality. Also, it depends on the ART technology you use to conceive.

Perks of Fertility Technologies

Birth Control

Cryo-preservation helps in storing eggs for future use. Egg freezing contains zero risk, and many successful pregnancies are on record after freezing eggs for 15+ years, Although there is no specific time limit about how long this birth control will last.

Ovulation Tracker

This tracker technology updates about the most fertile days and presentes body temperature, heartbeat, nap timing and activity rate. In the early stage of fertility, it is handy. It processes through mobile apps, bracelets, watches or stuff to calculate. 


Genetic screening helps determine the fertility complexity for both men and women. These tests help the couple to decide about the future more precisely. Although it cant show the disease a kid can get after being born.


Fertility technology helps to overcome reproduction issues but is very risky as it can’t detect the well-being of a child for sure. It takes a lot of time and intensive care until the baby is born. ART is undoubtedly doing great for now, but further developments expect to reduce risk. 
