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Mental Health Technologies in 2023


It is predicted in 2030 that depression could be the primary reason for the burden of diseases worldwide which makes the need for innovative treatments more important than ever before. In the last year, a variety of new technologies have come to light which can assist patients with their needing ongoing help with their mental health.

Some apps are now capable of completing intake forms for patients and provide an initial diagnosis prior to the patient meets with the doctor or therapist. AI powered devices are revolutionizing the way that mental health services are offered. AI chatbots such as Woebot which can assist patients to practice their cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies using smartphones, as well as the voice recognition software, like Ellipsis is able to analyze the patient’s speech and voice patterns to detect indicators of emotional anxiety. Additionally, digital symptom tracking, it is essential to optimize treatment for mental health in the future. Patients who track their symptoms online are prompted to provide their data on a daily basis. A AI algorithm analyses the data to detect patterns and notify providers immediately of any indications.

Another emerging technology to treat mental health issues is the application of video games. The game was approved in 2020. EndeavorRx is the first and only FDA-approved gaming treatment for video games. It is designed to enhance the concentration of children ranging from 8-12 years old suffering from ADHD and requires the prescription of a. In studies conducted in clinical settings, 70% of the participants had a better ability to pay attention..

After the great success the video game industry is predicted to become more well-known, affordable and readily available treatment for a variety of ailments. The news was made public recently, DeepWell Digital Therapeutics would be the first video game developer and publisher focused on creating games that entertains while helping offer, enhance and speed up treatment for a range of ailments and illnesses.

